Ending The Year Big!!!!

Family Friends Live Love

Hey hey hey,

Hey ya'll how are you doing? Well some know me but if not , I'm totally honest with you. Ya'll the year has really been an eye opener for me. I mean trying to keep going without my mother, to my dad moving 18 hours away, to moving several times within a few months. I mean have really been dealing with a lot. Then with my ministry and allow God to stretch me. I seen  post that said 2021 has been year of lessons and tests. That was nothing but the truth. This year let you know who was in your corner and who was there to watch it. Again this year I'm not writing out this long list of what i want to change and then don't do it. I'm just following God and yielding to his plan for my life. I truly believe we must stop worrying about how others will feel, and trust God. No matter who likes what you are doing, and who goes. My mom use to listen to this song, it said "Long as I got king Jesus, I don't need nobody else." I was going to do a vision board party but that wasn't in his plan for me. So I'll end with this, let's live according to what God has planned for us. Let's learn to love more and support each other more. Forgive who you need to and move on. Time is winding up and our house must be in order. I truly thank you for supporting me and, being there for me. I will be back with more news before 2022. 


Love you,


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